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Mangosten is a tropical fruiting tree and where it originate is unknown. Some however said it came from Sunda Islands and the Moluccas. It is cultivated in Thailand, Vietnam, Burma and the Philippines and west part of India.

Western countries, Africa and other neighboring countries had tried to cultivate it in their country but the result is not so well.

A pyramid shaped crown, this tree grows up from 20 to 28 feet in height with nearly black, flaky outer bark and a gummy, bitter latex is contained inside its bark. It has short stalk, dark green leafy leaves that are oblong and glossy atop and yellow-green and dull on the underside. While new leaves are rosy red and oblong.
Male flowers are borne in clusters, 3-9 at branch tips, fleshy, green with red spots on the outside and yellowish red on interior. The anthers bear no pollen though they have many stamens.
The fruit is round, dark purple to reddish purple, smooth and about 1 1/3 to 3 inches in diameter. The flesh is snow white, juicy and soft, some may not contain seed. It is acclaimed for its luscious, delectable, slightly acidic flavor. It is called the “queen of tropical fruit.”
It is picky about place where to plant it. It needs deep rich organic soil, but it can also survive in sandy loam or clay containing course material. Quite elevated and humid temperature. Strong winds from storms harms them much, so great protection is needed.
Propagation is done through seed, and sprouts within 22 days and must be planted where it should stay for years before relocating it again. It bears fruit within 7-9 years, some for 10 years. A space of 35-40 and 4x41/2 deep with rich soil. Well cared and watered.
The rind called Pericarp, is believed by Southeast Asian people to ward-off an infections, reduce pain or control fever, treat various ailments. Relieve diarrhea and cystitis, gonorrhea and is applied externally as an astringent lotion. Portion f the rind is steeped on water overnight and infusion is given as remedy for chronic diarrhea in adults and children. For urinary disorder too and thrush.
A good source of Vitamin C and provides about 12% of RDA per100g. Vitamin C is a powerful water soluble anti-oxidant.
Fresh fruit of it is a source of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, niacin and magnesium. Potassium is important component of cell and body fluids and helps control heart rate, and blood pressure. Offers protection against stroke and coronary diseases.
Scientist studies showed that there are almost 45 kinds of diseases are healed by this kind of fruit.
A Mangosten beverage researched by scientist which contain Phytochemical known as Xanthones, was decided to be given to patients by Dr. Kenneth J. Finsand.
It is used in curing Alzheimer’s disease because of its potent as Anti-Inflamatory effect on brain’s structural cells thus help a lot to inflammatory conditions. Inflamation causes many kinds of diseases.
An anti oxidants which kills cancer cells, anti-bacterial, anti-fungi and anti-tumor activity, cancer prevention, leukemia, liver cancer HIV, tuberculosis and so many.
Below are some supplements formulated by medical doctor:
Mind power Rx for better mental focus, concentration and mood.
Eye sight Rx for better vision, often within days.
Joints Power Rx for healthy joints
Passion Rx for sexual enhancement, better libido, and improved performance stamina for men and women.
Low in calories and no saturated fats or cholesterol, rich in dietary fiber (100g provides) good for putting out body excess weight.
Good source of vitamin C as an anti-oxidant.
A moderate source of B-complex vitamins as thiamin, niacin and folic acid These acting as co-factors that helps body metabolize carbohydrates, protein and fats.
It also contain a very good amount of minerals like copper, manganese and magnesium.
Others said there are side effect, maybe to people who are prune to allergy. And anything too much is not good. Don’t depend on one kind of vitamin, but have a balance form of intake and per doctor advice.
Mangosteen as in form of coffee and in juice:
Mangosteen rind is dried and made into a coffee powder along with other dried powder form of Malunggay, Guyabano, Chocolate or Coconut sugar as well. Not acidic as compared to ordinary coffee.
The rind is dried in the sun and grind it along with dried Malunggay leaves or dried guyabano fruit in powder form.
We can find it also in form of juice liquid or in powder form. So delicious for me and nutritious since am on detox period.
Mangosteen rind is scraped and boiled in water- 2 to 3 pieces of rind with 1 glass of water. It can be mix with other fruit in blender along with honey or coconut sugar as sweetener. Cool or refrigerate it.


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